The Footsteps of the Hunter

The Footsteps of the Hunter is now available through Cheshire Cat Books.      


Current Projects

At the moment I’m moving between four or five projects every day, which is the way I like to work. I’m writing a sequel to Cars Just Want to be Rust. The current title of that is The Luxury of Murder, though I’m also toying with The Dark Triad.  I’m working on two film scripts.…


Motivation, not murder.

In my crime writing, the aspect which fascinates me is the motivation, rather than the murder. The violence itself  is dreary : any description of it is banal.  People commit horrible crimes. We know this. They do terrible things to each other. I worked in a prison for eight years – I know the kind…


Current Writing Projects

I like to have to work on more than one writing project at a time. It helps to have stories stacked up and circling, like jumbo jets. That way, if I get stuck, or bored, I can move on and give my attention to the next one. Right now I’m working on three stories in…

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